3xx1xy's Blog

Ramblings of a former working professional, aka, the “stuff” I used to talk about while on the clock

Wii know too much!

My son asked for a Wii balance board as a Valentine’s Day gift.  Although we don’t normally do gifts for this holiday, we obliged because, he really is a good kid and his big sister was about to receive a very nice alto saxophone for Valentine’s Day.  In searching for one,  (two hours) I discovered that it was part of the Wii Fit Nintendo package.  Of course, my son wasn’t interested in the Wii Fit aspect of this board so we had to fork over another $50 for a game that he did want.  A few days later curiosity got the best of me and I asked the kids to show me how the Wii Fit program works.  They advised that I would need to start by having a Mii (a virtual replica of me) created followed by a body analysis scan.  “What?  Alright, whatever.”  Before I knew it I was being ordered to step up on the board, input height, clothing weight, drivers license number…well not really but it sure was bossy, it even told me to stop fidgeting.  “What is this thing, my mother?!”   Finally, it spit out a Mii, that apparently was meant to reflect what it thinks I look like, followed by a declaration that my BMI put me in the overweight category, and continued with displays of how detrimental this all was to my health!  “Mother-trucker, I thought, how does it know all of this?”  What it doesn’t know is that I am working on this weight issue, doesn’t it know I gave birth to twins a mere 17 months ago and that it just made me feel totally and completely violated!  Insensitive piece of technology, this darn thing even knew it was snowing here as it displayed snowflakes falling in the background.   I’d like to add that I DO NOT carry my weight like this…it’s all in my brain. 

February 19, 2010 - Posted by | Technology, Weight Loss

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